Joint flight of PIA and space creatures - 1stGIRLS




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Joint flight of PIA and space creatures

 Thousands of years ago, when man regained consciousness, he saw astonishing phenomena of nature shining on the heavenly screen. The most amazing of these was the planet Mars. Mars, which looks like red embers, still looks the most unique in the sky. When we saw Mars shining brightly in the sky, it didn't take long for us to realize that this is a world close to us, inhabited by people like us, or that rivers and streams flow.

There was a lot of hope for a hypothesis like human life on Mars, but when our little exploratory rovers to Mars sent pictures there, those pictures turned our desires upside down. Because there were remnants of streams flowing, but on this red planet neither the slave nor the caste of the slave was found. So it would not be wrong to say that the desire to find space creatures has been incorporated into our genes.


Perhaps that is why Carl Sagan once said, "If there is no one else in the universe, only us, it is a ruthless waste of space."


The darkness and desolation of the universe has its place, but the fact is that as man progresses, so does our hope for the existence of life beyond the earth. That's why, after exploring data from the Kepler Telescope, scientists think there are 5 billion places in our galaxy's Milky Way alone where life can thrive. It should be noted that this is only about our Milky Way galaxy. There are approximately 2000 billion galaxies in our known universe.

Before we move on, it is important to draw the line here that we divide space creatures into three main categories. The first type of space creatures could be single-celled organisms, such as germs on Earth. Scientists believe that there is a very good chance that life will exist in a simple universe, because we know that germs can survive even in the harshest environments of space. This whole theory is based on the assumption that life on Earth came from space in the form of microbes.

The second type of space creature includes a creature that is multicellular but not intelligent. Just as there are no intelligent beings on our planet other than human beings. Because they can't generate signals and devices that can use remote messaging. It is very possible that the universe is full of such creatures, but since they cannot send signals to us, we are not aware of their existence. But there is a way to find them. By looking at the spectrum of light reflected from a planet, we can determine which elements are present in the atmosphere and how much. The Kepler telescope is also working to find planets. Despite discovering more than 4,000 non-solar planets in the Milky Way so far, we have not found such signs anywhere. It is a different matter that man also invented radio signals a few hundred years ago. Before that, if anyone tried to find us, some kind of earth Artificial radio signals could not be found by this creature. So it is possible that there are intelligent beings in the universe but they are not equipped with the technology to send signals.

The third type of space creature is the one we consider to be intelligent enough to be able to make devices to communicate with us. Despite decades of hard work, we have yet to discover a single star in the universe from which any artificial radio signal is coming to us. Although in the past we have received many signals which we suspected to be the product of space creatures. But later, one by one, we got some explanation about all these signals.

So whenever space creatures are mentioned to you, it's important to keep these three categories in mind, because we usually take "space creatures" to mean the space creatures shown in Hollywood movies. While the fact is that sometimes a single-celled germ is found, it will also be considered a space creature.

After all this introduction, we come to the part where we talk about the middle ground. News of a flying saucer incident released by the PIA has been circulating for the past few days. It was the evening of January 23, 2021, when at 5.30 pm people in the vicinity of Bahawalnagar saw a bright spot near the moon, which was moving very slowly. This point, rising from the east, slowly faded to the north and then disappeared. The same point was later spotted by a PIA pilot and a few days ago reports of seeing the same point were also received from Balochistan.

Here are some things to keep in mind. The first thing was that this point was moving, not static. Another important point is that as the sun set, this point ceased to be visible, meaning that the point did not have its own light, nor was it at a very high altitude. The third important point is that it only appeared in a certain area at one time, that is, it was close to the surface of the earth.

This shows that it cannot be a planet. Because some planets are visible until Isha and some overnight. It cannot be a satellite, because satellites are not visible in any area for more than five minutes. It cannot be a lenticular cloud, because these clouds are gigantic, do not look like a dot, and are stationary.

The important question here is whether the above points can be said that it was a flying saucer that arrived to visit Pakistan? That is not possible. This is not only because we have no evidence of flying saucers, but if we assume it is a flying saucer, many other things will have to be attached to it. Suppose we assume that the object we did not understand was actually a flying saucer, then what will happen now? Some more questions will arise here that if it was a flying saucer then it means some creature is watching us, where is that creature? If that space creature is really so advanced that it has come out of its star and reached Earth, then why haven't we found a single radio signal despite decades of research? If those space creatures visit the earth, why are they visible only to certain people? Why didn't any satellite or radar capture it?

The question also arises as to why flying saucers are always seen flying? Where do they land? Because after declassifying Area 51 in 2013, all the rumors attributed to it have died down. An important question is why that creature is not in contact with any scientific research institute?

Many such questions simply stand in front of us with the claim of a flying saucer and undermine the claim of the existence of a flying saucer. Conversely, if it is said that this incomprehensible object could be a weather balloon or a flying lantern, these claims seem closer to reality than a flying saucer. Which is why astronomers categorically reject the claim of flying saucers.

Remember that no astronomer has seen this object through his telescope, otherwise we would have known its reality. But considering the other facts, a large number of astronomers are calling it a meteorological balloon, because there is a type of meteorological balloon that can reach an altitude of 39 km. The planes fly at an altitude of 16 km. So if the pilots on the plane have seen something above them, it is more likely that it could be a meteorological balloon. Reports of sightings of this point from Balochistan a few days later also point to a weather bubble.

However, the fact remains that the mystery of this point pervades the entire nation. The flood of speculation will not stop until it is finally known. The good news is that our nation has moved beyond political and social issues to focus on scientific research. If the nation starts learning, understanding and reading science under this pretext, then it will surely be a boon to us and our future generations


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